Players: 349
Tournaments: 165
Games Played: 3015
Total Appearances: 3482

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Current date and time: 2025-03-12 12:55
Roper Tournament (Animal)



This is a remix of the traditional ROPER, made by ME :D.
It is Roper with only animal weapons. No bazooka, no granade, no violent weapons. It is a scheme to make you have concience about the animal rights (??). Peace & Love, and not violent weapons xD
-Mole in the first turn. (Mole replace the bazooka :O)
-CBA- Crate Before Attack
-W2W- As in a normal roper, Sudden Death changes the game into a w2w
-Don't explode the crates :O
You have 7 sheep, 7 pigeons, 7 skunkes, some sheep trhower, 1 cow and 1 super sheep delayed, and sheep and mole strike but u can't use them lol.
Health crates gives 50 hp instead 20.
All weapons delayed in the first turn, because you must use the mole :D
Enjoy it ! Good luck and have fun!
*Portuguese version*:
Animal Roper é um remix do roper tradicional feito por mim. Nao armas violentas, nao bazooka, nao granada, só armas de animais :D.
Este scheme é pra que voce seja conciente dos direitos dos animais (?) ahahaha. paz e amor xD
Mesmas que cualquer roper tradicional, a diferença está nas armas. Voce tem que usar topeira <mole> no primeiro turno. As caixas de saúde dao 50 HP :O.