Players: 349
Tournaments: 165
Games Played: 3015
Total Appearances: 3482

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Current date and time: 2025-03-12 12:49
Check Point Race Tournament



IMPORTANT : All teams must have the same color !
3 worms per team.
Use a map from the Map Pack (Deep Blue has more plops ; SunnyGo is easier, only last CheckPoint can plop)
You must place your worms at the start.
To accomplish a CheckPoint, you have to start ON a CheckPoint and finish ON another further CheckPoint. (ON means that your worm has to stay on it at the end of the turn, not just touching the CheckPoint)
You can teleport/move back to any CheckPoint you have ever accomplished, or to the Start of course, even during a turn.
The first to accomplish the Finish CheckPoint wins (remember that the 2nd player has one more turn, thus, draw can occur)
At SD, the player who reached the furthest CheckPoint wins, if both players are on the same CheckPoint, continue untill a player gets one CheckPoint further)
If you plop all your worms, if the other player is further, he wins, else, he continue playing normally. (untill he plops, gets further, or SD is reached)
If you don't understand my explanation, go take a look at my sample-game-replay here :
Enjoy !
"Original text, schemes and maps by FnI-Robi"