Players: 349
Tournaments: 165
Games Played: 3015
Total Appearances: 3482
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2024-12-22 01:06
Replays for Game #3052
14th August 2011, 16:00
Round 1
2011-08-14 16:31:39
2011-08-14 16:42:45
Show Turn Details
Players: as *T!me4STraTegY* as The Deceived Kayz starts turn [00:00:10.96] Select Worm[00:00:19.32] Ninja Rope[00:00:23.06] Parachute[00:00:32.44] Ninja Rope[00:00:41.02] Shotgun[00:00:49.58] ShotgunDamage dealt: 312 7 Vlysandor starts turn [00:01:15.08] Surrender
0.28 s 39.94 s |