Players: 349
Tournaments: 165
Games Played: 3015
Total Appearances: 3482
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2025-02-05 17:57
Replays for Game #3706
23rd August 2011, 05:00
Round 1
2011-08-23 06:36:21
Show Turn Details
Players: as ae as The E Team Warg starts turn [00:00:17.82] Teleport EC starts turn [00:00:28.82] Mole Bomb Warg starts turn [00:00:48.44] Mole Bomb EC starts turn [00:01:11.74] Blow Torch Warg starts turn [00:01:35.92] Mole Bomb EC starts turn [00:02:07.82] Blow Torch Warg starts turn [00:02:50.52] Mole Bomb EC starts turn
78.50 s 57.92 s |